
Effect of aperture averaging on bit error rate for DPSK modulated UWOC system over strong oceanic turbulence

  • 摘要: 水下光通信(underwater wireless optical communication,UWOC)系统具有宽带宽、高保密等优点,适用于水下通信。然而,水下吸收、散射和湍流效应影响了光束传输,限制了系统在长距离方面的应用。本文探讨了差分相移键控(differential phase-shift-keying, DPSK)调制和孔径接收对在Gamma-Gamma强湍流信道中传输的UWOC系统误码率(bit error rate,BER)的影响。基于Whittaker函数,推导出了系统采用DPSK调制高斯光束在强湍流中传输的BER解析式。仿真观察了系统调制方式、孔径接收直径、传输距离以及四种海洋参数对BER性能的影响。结果表明,采用DPSK和较大尺寸的孔径直径接收可以有效地提高BER性能。同时,系统在均方温度耗散率和温度和盐度波动对海洋湍流贡献的比值较小、动力粘度较大,湍流动能耗散率较大或较小的短距离海洋湍流环境中可以获得较好的通信性能。


    Abstract: Underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) systems receive growing attention as an alternative technology to meet the high-speed and large-data requirement in various underwater applications due to their higher bandwidth, lower attention, lower time latency, lower power loss, better security and higher communication rate compared to acoustic communication as well as underwater radio frequency communication. Despite all these advantages, expect absorption and scattering effects, the turbulence effect under water, will also cause loss and fading on the received optical signal, and limit the viable communication range of UWOC systems. In moderate to strong oceanic turbulence, a differential phase-shift-keying (DPSK) modulated underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) system with an aperture receiver is presented. The analytical expressions for bit error rate (BER) of UWOC system over moderate to strong oceanic turbulence are derived based on Gamma-Gamma channel model by the help of the Whittaker function. The variations of BER are investigated versus modulation methods, beam types, aperture diameters as well as four oceanic turbulence parameters, i.e., the rate of dissipation of kinetic energy per unit mass of fluid, the rate of dissipation of mean-squared temperature, the ratio of temperature to salinity contributions to the refractive index spectrum and the kinetic viscosity. The simulated results show that the performance improves when the UWOC system adopting spherical wave with DPSK modulation and averaging receive at a lower value of the rate of dissipation of mean-squared temperature, the ratio of temperature to salinity contributions to the refractive index spectrum, the propagation distance, a higher value of the kinetic viscosity or a lower and higher rate of dissipation of kinetic energy per unit mass of fluid.


