
A Suppression Technique For Deception Jamming in Multi-static Radar System Based on Multi-dimensional Information Association

  • 摘要: 针对距离-速度复合欺骗干扰,本文提出了一种基于多维信息联合的多基地雷达欺骗干扰抑制技术。首先,在各接收站中通过常规信号处理方法提取到真假目标的多维信息矩阵;接着在融合中心,基于真假目标幅度上的统计差异,进行干扰识别;然后,鉴于真实目标的多普勒多样性,进行多普勒维上的干扰识别;最后,根据目标的“同源性”,在距离维将虚假目标完全识别的同时,完成了对真实目标定位。通过数字仿真可见,该方法在保证了真实目标识别率的基础上,实现了对复合欺骗干扰的有效抑制和对真实目标的准确定位。


    Abstract:  to counter range-velocity compound deception jamming, a suppression technique based on multi-dimensional information association has been proposed in this paper. First, the normal signal processing procedures are implemented in each receiver to extract the multi-dimensional information matrix of the true and the false targets; In the next, the identification process in amplitude dimension is implemented in fusion center based on the statistical difference of amplitude of the true and the false targets; Then, on account of the Doppler diversity the true target possesses, the identification processes in Doppler dimension is also implemented; Finally, according to the spatial homology, the identification process in range dimension is performed, in which the false targets are discriminated completely and the localization of the true target is realized simultaneously. Through the simulation, it is demonstrated that the proposed technique can suppress the compound deception jamming efficiently and the true target can be located precisely while the high identification rate of the true target can also be maintained.


