
Signal Modeling and Analysis of Forward Scatter Radar in Sea Surface Target Detection

  • 摘要: 无人装备的兴起对当前海上防御造成了重大挑战,传统雷达成本高、系统复杂;前向散射雷达(FSR)具有结构简单、功耗小、成本低等优点,通过组网可以实现对海面要地目标大范围的探测监视。海浪的起伏变化和多径干扰会对海面目标的回波特性产生非常大的影响,本文分别给出了海浪起伏和多径干扰下目标的FSR回波信号模型,然后通过仿真实验对两种模型下目标的回波特性进行了比较,最终确定了多径干扰是低风速海浪下影响海面目标回波信号的最关键因素。


    Abstract: The rise of unmanned equipment poses major challenges to current maritime defense.Traditional radar has high cost and complex system,and Forward Scatter Radar(FSR)has the advantage of simple structure,low power consumption and low cost, The large range detection and monitoring of sea surface target can be realized through network . The wave fluctuation and multipath interference have great influence on the echo characteristics of the target .In this paper,the target signal model of FSR on sea wave is given first and then the signal model on multipath interference is given.,and the echo characteristics of the target in the two models are simulated and compares by Matlab,the conclusion is that multipath interference is the most important fator affecting the target echo signal in low wind speed sea wave.


