
Channel Estimation Based on Cooperative Interference Suppression

  • 摘要: 针对放大转发(AF)协作中继网络,为了高效获取级联和单跳链路的信道状态信息(CSI),本文设计一种组合训练方案。新方案采用时分(TM)训练和叠加训练(ST)相结合的(TM+ST)方式,在源节点采用TM训练方式完成级联(S-R-D)信道的估计,而在中继节点将训练序列叠加到接收信息序列之上,完成单跳(R-D)信道估计。为消除协作信息对R-D信道估计的干扰,提出了一种基于协作干扰抑制(CIS)的信道估计方法。新方法利用直传(S-D)链路信息来抑制协作中继链路(S-R-D)协作中的协作信息干扰,从而有效提高单跳信道估计性能。本文提出的方案采用两种训练方式将单跳和级联信道估计分离,有效降低训练序列的设计复杂度,仿真结果表明了新方案的有效性。


    Abstract: In an amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative relay network, the combined training scheme is proposed to acquire channel state information (CSI) of different links. The combined training mode consists time-division multiplexing (TM) training and superimposed training (ST), where the TM training is employed at source node to estimate the cascaded channel (S-R-D) while the relay training sequence is added on top of the information-bearing received signal to estimate the secondhop channel (R-D). In order to improve the estimation performance of R-D link, a novel cooperative interference suppression (CIS) scheme is proposed to remove cooperative data interference using detected symbols of S-D links. The new scheme employs combined training mode to make the individual channel and cascaded channel estimated independently, decreasing the complexity of training sequence design. Simulation results are presented to validate the performance of the proposed schemes.


