
Analysis of field Sea Clutter Data of Ku Band

  • 摘要: 利用高分辨雷达进行海面目标探测具有独特优势,但此时的海面回波不再服从高斯分布,基于经典理论的检测方法存在一定性能损失。因此,需要在充分了解海杂波特性的基础上,进行检测算法的优化。文章基于实测数据,对海杂波幅度分布、功率谱及空时相关性等特性进行分析;在此的基础上,对传统CA CFAR与OS CFAR检测器的性能进行了分析与比较;最后,针对处理结果中的虚警问题,提出一种子帧积累的工程处理方法,可以在SCR满足检测要求的前提下,有效降低虚警率。


    Abstract: High Range Resolution (HRR) Radar extends the target into multiple scatterers, hence improve the signal to clutter ratio (SCR), which makes it in favor of marine target detection. However, with this technique the probability distribution function (PDF) of the collected echoes has a long tail, i.e. it is non-Gaussian, which will lead to performance deterioration of classical constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detectors. Improvements can only be made with a deep understanding of the characteristics of the sea clutter. In this paper, the characteristics of sea clutter amplitude distribution, power spectrum and time and space correlation are analyzed with field data. The performances of traditional CA CFAR and OS CFAR are analyzed and compared. Finally, an engineering improvement of sub-frame integration was proposed. With an acceptable deterioration of detection probability, the method can well reduce the false alarms in target tracking.


