
Study on the Design of Optimal Microphone Symmetrical Array with High Direction-Finding Accuracy

  • 摘要: 麦克风平面阵列布局方式的不同会导致其测向性能的不同,而现有的阵列设计方法并不能使麦克风面阵的测向性能达到最优且其计算复杂度高。针对该问题,本文提出了基于克拉美罗界(Cramer Rao Bound)的最优麦克风对称阵设计方法。该方法给出了设计最优麦克风对称阵的约束条件,该约束条件能够使各阵元之间的相对位置满足特定的关系,从而提高阵列测向精度,同时也能降低阵列设计复杂度。本文利用该方法设计出了最优麦克风对称阵,并对其测向性能进行了理论分析和仿真验证。结果表明,与常见布局阵列相比,按照本文方法设计出的最优麦克风对称阵的测向性能最优。


    Abstract: Different layouts of microphone planar array had different performance of direction finding (PDF). However, according to existing array design methods, they couldn’t optimize the PDF of microphone planar array to reach its optimum but also took high computational complexity. Aimed at this issue, a design method of the optimal microphone symmetrical array based on the Cramer Rao Bound was proposed in this paper. A constraint condition was presented in this method and it could make array element satisfy specific relationship between each other which could improve the PDF of the array. Besides, it also could reduce the amount of computation of the array design. The optimal microphone symmetrical array was designed by this method, and the theoretical analysis and simulation of the PDF about this array were conducted too. By comparing with other common layout arrays, the results indicate that the PDF of this array obtains its optimum.


