
Energy-efficient Resource Sharing for Device-to-Device Communications Based on Coalition Formation Game

  • 摘要: D2D(Device-to-Device)通信作为蜂窝网中的一种新型的通信方式,因其在提高传输速率和改善能效性能等方面的无可比拟的优势,受到人们越来越多的关注。但是,D2D通信技术在带来令人无法抗拒的优势的同时,亦会产生棘手的干扰问题。鉴于此,本文从降低干扰的不利影响、提高网络能效性的角度出发,综合蜂窝用户共享资源的主观性和客观性因素,探讨了无线资源共享机制的设计问题,即联合模式选择和链路资源分配。首先,分析了D2D通信中的两种通信模式下用户的能量有效性。其次,将能量有效的无线资源共享问题建模为效用不可转移联盟形成博弈,分析了博弈性质,并基于合并-拆分准则和帕累托偏好关系提出一种分布式算法,依此确定无线资源共享策略。最后给出并分析了数值仿真结果,以验证所提机制的可行性。


    Abstract: Device-to-Device (D2D) communications gain more and more attention, which can improve the transmit rate and enhance the energy efficiency of the users. However, D2D communications result in new problems and challenges, since the link resource of cellular users is reused and intracell interference can no longer be neglected. In this work, we study the resource sharing scheme about joint mode selection and uplink reusing allocation combining the positive and negative resource sharing willing of the cellular users, from the perspective of reducing the harmful influence of the interference between the cellular users and D2D pairs and enhancing the energy efficiency of the network. More precisely, we analyze the energy efficiency of the users of two modes in D2D communications. Then, we formulate the energy-efficient resource sharing problem as a nontransferable coalition formation game, with the characteristic function of that accounts for the gains in terms of energy efficiency and the costs in terms of mutual interference. Moreover, we develop a distributed coalition formation algorithm based on the merge-and-split rules and the Pareto order, which is used to get the strategy of the uplink resource sharing. Extensive simulation results are provided to demonstrate the validity of our proposed game and model and algorithm.


