
Landmine Sparse Time-Frequency Representation and Discrimination via Echo Reconstruction

  • 摘要: 浅埋目标探测是低频超宽带合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)的一个重要应用。地雷作为浅埋目标的一类,由于其回波微弱,且所处环境复杂,使得检测后图像中常常存在大量虚假目标。提取有效特征用于鉴别是降低虚警的关键所在,传统基于全孔径图像距离剖线进行时频表示的算法易受噪声影响,并且难以表示目标散射特性。本文提出一种基于重构回波稀疏时频表示提取特征及鉴别的方法。该方法基于感兴趣区域(Regions of Interest, ROI)重构目标各个方位角的回波,可以有效减少原来回波域相邻杂波影响,提取目标较为准确的散射特性。本文方法同时采用引入判决分量的稀疏时频表示,改善了特征提取的准确度并简化了鉴别流程。实测数据处理结果表明了本文所提方法在杂波抑制和目标鉴别方面的有效性。


    Abstract: The detection of subsurface target is an important application of low-frequency synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Landmines, as a typical kind of subsurface targets, are difficult to detect due to the weak echoes and the complexity of environments. Feature extraction is key to effective false alarm suppression, thus to successful landmine detection. A novel method to extract the scattering characteristics of targets is proposed to avoid the robustness and sensitivity issues of traditional approaches, based on the echoes reconstructed from regions of interest (ROI). Then, feature extraction and target discrimination are performed simultaneously based on the sparse time-frequency representation integrated with discriminative criteria, which can improve the accuracy of feature selection and simplify the algorithm flow. The results of the real experimental data demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.


