
Zero-order Angular Prolate Spheroidal Wave and Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions

  • 摘要: 本文深入研究了零阶角长球面波函数与长球面波函数,给出描述零阶角长球面波函数的微分方程与描述长球面波函数的积分方程不是相对应的关系。给出亥姆霍兹方程在球坐标系中与长旋转椭球坐标系中微分方程解之间的关系,可对零阶角长球面波函数了解得更清楚。对由信号最优波形设计法导出的长球面波函数积分方程,给出一种理论综合分析法,可以解决信号最优波形设计的具体实现。对长球面波函数命名尝试给出一种解释。


    Abstract: This paper deeply studies both zero-order angle prolate spheroidal wave and prolate spheroidal wave functions, and gives differential equations for describing both of them. It also gives the relations between the Spherical coordinates and the prolate spheroidal coordinates for Helmholtz equation. This paper provides an analysis method for the integral equation of the prolate spheroidal wave functionderived from the optimal design for signal waveforms, which solves the optimal waveform design. This paper also tries to explain the reason for the name of the prolate spheroidal wave function.


