
Source Number Estimation Algorithm for Wide-band Compressed Sensing Signal

  • 摘要: 基于压缩感知的信号采集系统是目前宽带信号采集的重要发展方向,将其应用于通信侦查或频谱监测等宽带接收任务时,接收信号实际是处于宽带范围内的多个时域重叠的窄带信号,此时多分量压缩感知信号中的信源个数是后续信号处理的关键。本文针对调制信号在双频率平面具有稀疏性和可区分性,提出一种基于重构稀疏循环谱特征的信源个数估计算法。算法以重构误差的变化率作为迭代终止条件,应用改进的正交匹配追踪算法重构混合信号的循环谱,并应用循环谱的对称性实现信源个数估计。仿真表明,算法在-12dB条件下,信源个数估计准确率可以达到99%。


    Abstract: The signal acquisition systems based on Compressed Sensing is the major development orientation of wideband signal sampling. When it is used in communication reconnaissance or spectrum sensing, the received signal is a mixing of some narrow-band signals within wide range. Then the number of the mixed signals is the key to subsequent signal analysis. The paper proposed a source number estimation algorithm focus on the sparsity and distinctive features for modulated signal on the cyclic power level .The algorithm aimed at reconstructing the cyclic power spectrum by the improved OMP ,and the source number could be estimated with symmetry .Simulation results show it has a good performance of resolution when the SNR is -12dB.


