
A Weight-Fusion Algorithm for Frequency Estimation of the Signal with the Known Frequency-difference and the Same Length

  • 摘要: 鉴于差频等长信号具有重要研究价值,而其现有频率估计方法存在严重不足,提出一种新型加权融合算法。首先,根据频率差关系生成差频修正矩阵,对差频等长信号频谱进行同频化处理,使之达到同频等长信号频谱的分析效果。然后,针对差频等长信号中各段信号的相位不连续的问题,设计具有相位连续特性和噪声对消特性的相位补偿矩阵,对同频化的差频等长信号频谱进行加权融合,使之基本达到相位连续同频正弦信号频谱的分析效果。最后,通过谱峰搜索加权融合后的频谱获得高精度的频率估计值。算法分析与仿真实验表明:本算法精度较高,计算量较小,适用于任意类型的差频等长信号,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。


    Abstract: A new weight-fusion algorithm was proposed for frequency estimation of the signal with the known frequency-difference and the same length (KFDSL-signal), due to its significant research value and disadvantages of its present frequency estimation methods. In order to make KFDSL-signal spectrum as the same as the spectrum of the signal with the same frequency and length, the frequency-difference amend matrix is given. For the phase-incoherent of KFDSL-signal, the phase compensating matrix is created, which can make phase coherent and noise eliminate. Next, KFDSL-signal spectrum is weight-fused by this matrix to turn almost the same as the spectrum of the phase-coherent sinusoid signal. Consequently, high frequency estimation precision can be obtained through spectral peak searching of the weight-fusion spectrum. Algorithm analyses and simulation results show that this algorithm works quite well in term of precision, calculation, noise immunity, significant theoretical and practical value, and fits for any type of KFDSL-signal.


