
A Fast Deblurring Algorithm For Object Region

  • 摘要: 本文针对监视视频图像中快速移动目标的运动模糊问题,提出一种面向目标区域的快速去运动模糊算法。本文新算法的实现过程可归纳为三步:首先,通过分析图像运动模糊的离散模型,得出去模糊逆运算迭代公式;其次,针对本文实际研究对象,对相邻帧进行差值计算,利用连续两幅帧差图像提取目标运动矢量以及获取模糊目标所在区域;最后,依据图像去运动模糊的离散迭代模型,对模糊目标区域代入运动矢量进行逆运算,实现对目标区域的去运动模糊处理。仿真试验表明,该方法不仅从空间上缩小了去模糊逆运算范围,处理速度快,而且该方法降低了背景中大片随机噪声对去模糊效果的影响,去运动模糊质量好。


    Abstract: Aiming at the blur of fast moving object in video images, this paper presents a new fast deblurring algorithm for the object region. At the base of analyzing and summarizing large numbers of existing motion deblurring algorithms, we have carried out intensive research. The central ideology of this new algorithm is to lessen the operation time by cutting down the operation space, with the precondition of keeping the deblurring quality. For smaller operation space, it only make deblurring operation on motion object region, and with this method, the noise on background can not affect the deblurring operation. Orderly, this paper expatiates the new algorithm by three steps: Firstly, it discusses the discrete model of motion blur, and gets the inverse operation model which is used for motion deblurring, with this model, we can find the disadvantage of operation to the whole space, and draw forth the solution method of motion vector; Secondly, with discussing several existing methods of fetching motion vector, it calculates the differences between the neighboring frames, and with the two continuous results, it abstracts the motion vector and gets the region of motion object, this is also an innovative method; Finally, only aiming at the object region, it uses the motion vector to accomplish the deblurring processing by making inverse operation of the discrete motion blur model. Extensive experiments show that the new algorithm can keep the deblurring quality on motion object, and because of the cutdown space range, the new algorithm has a fast processing speed, and it can reduce the disturbance of noise in background, so the new algorithm improves the time complexity.


