
A Gibbs Sampling Approach to Closely Spaced  Objects Resolution via IR Focal Plane

  • 摘要: 利用红外成像系统跟踪多个相距很近的点目标时,目标在成像面上的弥散像会发生交叠,导致成像系统无法有效分辨这些目标。本文提出了一种分辨这类小间距目标(Closely Spaced Objects, CSO)的新方法,通过建立小间距目标的成像模型,采用Gibbs抽样方法对小间距目标在焦平面上的中心位置和响应幅度进行估计,并利用贝叶斯信息准则(Bayesian Information Criterion, BIC)检测目标数目。针对仿真生成的红外图像进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明本文方法对小间距目标的分辨是有效的。


    Abstract: When track multiple closely spaced point sources using infrared sensor systems, measured signal may overlap on the focal plane, so that the sensor cannot determine the location and intensity of individual object. In this paper a novel algorithms for resolving such Closely Spaced Objects (CSO) based on Gibbs sampling and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is introduced. The algorithm presents a dichotomous, iterated novel approach to resolve the CSO using the Gibbs sampling to estimate the positions and intensity signals estimation of CSO and using the Bayesian Information Criterion to detect the number of the objects. Simulations are presented to show the effectiveness of the new CSO resolution method, which based on the simulated infrared image of ballistic midcourse targets viewed by spaced IR sensor.


