
Receiver and Transmitter Angle Estimation for Bi-static MIMO Radar with Single Snapshot

  • 摘要: 提出了单快拍投影矩阵法来估计双基地MIMO雷达的收发角。对单次采样数据进行空间平滑处理,构造出了发射和接收向量,得到了收发端的噪声子空间投影矩阵,进而通过两个一维谱搜索估计出收发角度,并利用最大似然估计方法实现了参数的正确配对。由于此算法仅需一次快拍的数据,减少了计算量,且避免了使用过多的数据存储空间,更利于在实际中应用。仿真试验验证了理论分析的有效性。


    Abstract: Single snapshot projection method is proposed to estimate the receiver and transmitter angle for Bi-static MIMO radar. The spatial smoothing technique is used to construct the transmitter and receiver vectors so that the projection matrices of noise subspace can be obtained. And then two one-dimension spectrum search procedures are used to estimate the angles. Furthermore, the maximum likelihood method is used to solve the pairing problem. The proposed method just needs a single snapshot data, so it results in a considerable computational saving and the data storage cost saving, which will be more available in practice. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.


