
Performance Analysis of the FastICA Algorithm  in Cochannel Communication System

  • 摘要: FastICA算法是目前最常用的盲源分离算法之一,较好的分离和收敛性能使其在无线通信里有很好的应用前景。本文主要研究在有噪声的共道通信环境下, FastICA算法的性能分析。首先提出一个基于ICA的通信系统结构,接着介绍一种噪声分解方法,并结合预白化过程得到一个新的信号模型表达式。基于这个新的信号模型,分析得出FastICA算法全局分离矩阵参数的统计表达式。最后,使用容量指标来衡量分析结果的正确性,并且给出基于FastICA算法的通信系统频谱利用率。


    Abstract: The FastICA algorithm is one of the most successful algorithms in blind source separation. It has a bright future in wireless communication due to its good performance in accurate separation and convergence. This paper analyzes the performance of FastICA algorithm when applied to noisy co-channel communication system. Firstly, we propose a model of ICA-based communication system, which adopts the FastICA algorithm to separate co-channel signals. In order to facilitate the analysis we first decompose the noise into two complementary subspaces, and get a new form of original signal through pre-whitening. Based on the analysis result above we obtain the analytic closed-form expressions of global separating matrix. Finally, a capacity index is brought forward to confirm the validity of our analysis and show the performance of ICA-based communication system. Some computer simulations that support the theoretical analysis are also included.


