
Research on Optimizations of Forward Strategy for the Relay with Multiple Antennas in Two-way Protocols

  • 摘要: 本文对多天线双向中继放大转发方案进行了研究。首先,基于最小化均方误差的准则,通过对上行链路和下行链路进行联合优化,推导出了相应的中继优化方法,该优化方法能够实现最优的链路可靠性。然后,基于该优化方法,利用部分信道状态信息和信道统计信息,针对固定中继和移动中继两种不同的通信场景,分别设计了不同参数控制下的鲁棒性实现。理论分析和计算机仿真都表明所提方案具有明显的性能增益。


    Abstract: The amplifyandforward relaying strategy is investigated for the twoway relay equipped with multiple antennas in this paper. Firstly, the method of optimizations for relaying is derived based on the criterion of the minimum mean squared error with the full channel state information (CSI) at relay, which can achieve the optimal link reliability since both the uplink and the downlink are optimized by this strategy. Secondly, based on partial CSI and the channel statistics, two robust implementations, controlled by different parameters, for this optimal strategy are obtained for the scenario of the fixed relay but mobile users and that of the mobile relays, respectively. Simulation results show that the proposed strategies achieve quite good performances.


