
Module Design and Implementation of SAR Signal Storage and  Pretreatment Based On FPGA

  • 摘要: 随着FPGA技术的迅速发展,FPGA超强的并行处理能力使得它在SAR信号处理等高速实时信号处理领域起到越来越重要的作用。本文通过一个以FPGA为核心处理器的星载SAR信号存储与预处理系统为例,采用模块化的设计思想,灵活、高效的实现了对2GB SAR信号的多通道、大规模存储管理、FIR滤波与降采样等预处理功能。其中,重点介绍了三端口非透明型SDRAM控制器模块和滤波降采样模块的设计与实现。


    Abstract: The rapid development of FPGA and its powerful parallel processing ability make it play more and more important role in SAR signal processing and some other high speed real time signal processing areas. This paper takes a spaceborne SAR signal storage and pretreatment system based on FPGA as an illustration, with modularization method, FPGA effectively realize the function of managing and controlling multichannel 2GB SAR signal memory, FIR filtering and downsampling. Of these modules, this paper emphasizes design and implementation of threeport SDRAM controller module and filtering and downsampling module.


