查浩然,刘畅,王巨震,等. 面向无人机辐射源个体识别的域适应模型设计[J]. 信号处理,2024,40(4): 650-660. DOI: 10.16798/j.issn.1003-0530.2024.04.004.
引用本文: 查浩然,刘畅,王巨震,等. 面向无人机辐射源个体识别的域适应模型设计[J]. 信号处理,2024,40(4): 650-660. DOI: 10.16798/j.issn.1003-0530.2024.04.004.
Reference format‍:‍ZHA Haoran,LIU Chang,WANG Juzhen,et al. Design of domain-adaptation model for specific emitter identification of UAV signal[J]. Journal of Signal Processing, 2024, 40(4): 650-660. DOI: 10.16798/j.issn.1003-0530.2024.04.004
Citation: Reference format‍:‍ZHA Haoran,LIU Chang,WANG Juzhen,et al. Design of domain-adaptation model for specific emitter identification of UAV signal[J]. Journal of Signal Processing, 2024, 40(4): 650-660. DOI: 10.16798/j.issn.1003-0530.2024.04.004


Design of Domain-Adaptation Model for Specific Emitter Identification of UAV Signal

  • 摘要: 近年来,无人机在军用领域和民用领域得到了广泛的应用,给人们带来极大便利的同时也带来了重大的安全挑战,精准识别无人机的需求日益迫切,其中无人机辐射源个体识别方法得到广泛关注和深入研究。基于深度学习的方法因其卓越性能而受到广泛关注,然而这些方法大多依赖于大量独立同分布的训练数据,而在实际应用中,无人机射频数据的采集和标注充满挑战,训练数据和测试数据之间往往存在较大的分布差异。针对无人机射频数据采集和标注困难、训练数据和测试数据分布差异大等现实应用需求,提出了一种面向无人机辐射源个体识别的域适应模型设计方法。采用自助抽样法对无人机数据集进行重采样,增加数据集中的样本多样性。将Transformer编码器与域对抗神经网络结合,使特征在高斯分布下进行优化。引入最大均值差异作为度量方法来减少训练过程中源域和目标域之间的分布差异。基于权重的加权投票法增强模型的泛化性,提高模型适应新环境的能力。实验结果表明,基于3种典型环境,构建6种域适应场景,本文所提的方法识别率高于现有方法约5%。此外,还研究了源域样本数量和目标域样本数量对域适应效果的影响,在目标域含有少量样本时依然可以达到较高的性能,较好地平衡了无人机辐射源个体识别精确度与泛化性、可靠性的需求。


    Abstract: ‍ ‍The rapid development of drone technology in recent years has played an important role in military reconnaissance, cargo transportation, geographic surveying, and mapping, and in civilian fields such as agricultural monitoring, natural-disaster assessment, and aerial photography. The versatility and accessibility of drones have revolutionized numerous industries, offering new perspectives and capabilities that were previously unattainable. However, alongside these advancements, the widespread use of drones has introduced significant safety and privacy concerns, particularly in drones employed for unauthorized surveillance or in restricted airspaces. Consequently, the precise identification of drones has become critical for both national and civil aviation safety. Recognizing these challenges, researchers and technologists have adopted deep learning to address the aforementioned challenges. Deep learning, a machine-learning method characterized by the use of algorithms inspired by the structure and functions of the brain called artificial neural networks, has shown exceptional promise in pattern recognition and anomaly detection. In the context of drone technology, a deep learning-based method for the specific emitter identification of a drone has emerged as a cutting-edge approach. This method fundamentally relies on analyzing the radio frequency (RF) signals emitted by drones. These signals are processed using advanced deep-learning models, leading to the accurate identification and classification of different drone models and types based on their unique signal characteristics. However, implementing this method faces challenges. First is the requirement of substantial training data that are independent and identically distributed. In real-world scenarios, the collection and annotation of drone RF data are fraught with difficulties, including limited data availability and inconsistent data quality. Moreover, there is often a significant discrepancy between the distribution of training data and that of test data, which can severely impact the ability to generalize a model for new or unseen conditions. To address these issues, this paper proposes a method for the individual identification of drone radiation sources, based on domain adaptation models. Domain adaptation, which is a technique in machine learning, aims to enable a model trained in one domain (the source domain) to perform effectively in another (the target domain). The proposed method employs several innovative techniques, including resampling with a bootstrap method. Resampling the drone dataset using the bootstrap method increases the diversity of the samples within the dataset. This approach helps mitigate the problems associated with limited and imbalanced data. Additionally, transformer encoders are combined with domain adversarial neural networks (DANNs). The integration of transformer encoders, which are known for their effectiveness in processing sequential data, with DANNs, enables the model to optimize feature representation under a Gaussian distribution. This fusion enhances the model’s adaptability to new and varied environments. The maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) is also utilized. Incorporating the MMD as a metric reduces the distributional discrepancy between the source and target domains during training. This is pivotal in enhancing the model’s generalization capabilities. A weighted voting mechanism is employed to aggregate the outputs of various models. This technique boosts the generalization power of the overall system and improves its adaptability and accuracy under diverse environmental conditions. Empirical results demonstrated the efficacy of this method. The proposed method was tested using three typical environments and six domain adaptation scenarios, and its recognition rate was approximately 5% better than those of the existing techniques. This performance indicated a successful balance between the accuracy, generalization, and reliability demands of individual drone radiation source identification. In conclusion, the proposed method not only addresses the pressing need for enhanced drone safety monitoring but also sets a precedent for the application of deep learning in specialized data scenarios. The blend of advanced machine learning techniques with domain-specific knowledge paves the way for more robust and adaptable systems that can tackle the complex challenges posed by the rapid evolution of drone technology.


