Design and Trial of the Full-depth High Rate Underwater Acoustic Communication Modem
摘要: 为了适应深海科学考察领域的快速发展,实现对全海域水声通信能力的覆盖,本文设计了一种全海深水声通信机。该水声通信机采用大功率D类功率放大器进行信号发射,利用三基元接收通道进行空间分集接收,最大通信距离12 km。水声通信机采用单载波相干水声通信技术,相干解调算法采用了时频域双向turbo均衡器结构,均衡器系数调整采用了改进比例归一化最小误符号率准则算法。该通信机于2018年12月12日在海洋最深处马里亚纳海沟挑战者深渊进行了实时水声通信试验,实现了水下10500 m到水面的高速水声通信,通信速率6000 bps,通信误比特率为10-5量级。
Abstract: A full-depth underwater acoustic modem was designed to accomplish the high rate acoustic communication at any area of the oceans. The modem was equipped with a D-type power amplifier that was designed to output 200 watt electrical power. Three hydrophone was used at receiving-end to demodulate the acoustic signal, which formed a multi-channel space diversity receiver. The maximum communication distance of the underwater acoustic modem was 12 kilometers, and a single-carrier QPSK coherent modulation was used to transmit information at 6000 bps data rate. A bi-directional turbo equalizer was used to demodulate the information and fulfill the channel-decoding performance. The filter coefficients of the equalizer was adapted by an improved proportionate normalized minimum symbol error rate rule. After the prototype of the modem was finished, a sea trial was performed at a 10500 meters depth in the Mariana Trench on December 12, 2018. Tens of communication data groups was sent from the bottom of the sea. The total bit error rate of the data was 10-5 at the receiving end.