
Automatic Cloud Segmentation Based on the Fully Convolutional Neural Network

  • 摘要: 气象卫星图像云检测是气象预报领域中的一项重要任务。包含降水预测,气象灾害预测在内的若干气象预报任务都依赖精确的云检测结果。依据气象卫星遥感图像数据,本文提出了一种基于全卷积网络模型的遥感图像云分割算法,实现了高分辨率、大尺度、多通道遥感图像的云分割。我们的算法包含: 1)图像分块;2)块状图像分割;3)分割图像拼接三个主要步骤,实现了像素级精度的云分割。相比传统算法,我们的算法不依赖人工经验,完全由数据驱动,并在极端数据情形下具有更好的鲁棒性。测试数据结果显示,我们的算法能够满足气象预报的需要,且具有商业应用的潜力。


    Abstract:  Cloud segmentation and detection of remote sensing images plays a pivotal role in the field of weather forecast. Many meteorologic applications such as precipitation forecast, and extreme weather forecast, depend on the results of cloud detection. In this paper, based on the satellite remote sensing image dataset, we propose a CNN based algorithm to address this cloud segmentation problem, which can achieve pixel-level cloud segmentation results on high resolution, large scale, multi-channel satellite images. The proposed algorithm consists of three steps: 1) image patching; 2) patch image segmentation; 3) image stitching, which makes cloud segmentation in the pixellevel precision. In comparison with the traditional methods, it has the advantages of independence of expert knowledge, totally data motivated approach, and more robustness in extreme cases. It is demonstrated by the experimental results that our proposed algorithm can satisfy the requirements of the weather forecast, and thus has a strong potential to be put into business usage.


