
Performance Analysis of Power Spectrum Entropy Detection for Unknown Sinusoidal Signals

  • 摘要: 低信噪比条件下无先验知识的信号检测问题是一类侦察问题。基于功率谱熵的分析算法是一种实际可行且有效的自动检测方法,但还没有建立相应的理论性能分析。针对白高斯噪声背景中检测未知正弦信号的问题描述,以统计理论分析功率谱熵检测的接收机工作特性曲线(ROC),所得到的理论结果与仿真相比基本吻合。功率谱熵检测与能量检测的性能比较表明,功率谱熵检测性能明显优于后者。海试数据验证实际可检测的信噪比与理论预报相差不超过2 dB。


    Abstract: Unknown signals detection under low signal noise ratio (SNR) condition was a problem of reconnaissance. The automatic detection algorithm based on power spectrum entropy was practical and effective,but the theoretical performance analysis had not been established yet. The receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC)of a power spectrum entropy detector was analyzed by statistical theory of detecting unknown sinusoidal signals in the background of white Gaussian noise. The theoretical results are basically consistent with the simulation. The performance comparison between power spectrum entropy detection and energy detection shows that the former performance is significantly better. The experimental results of detectable SNR in the sea are approximate to the theoretical prediction within 2 dB.


