
Combining the Delaunay Triangular Mesh for Image Segmentation

  • 摘要: 为了有效消除图像噪声影响,提出结合Delaunay三角网的图像分割方法。首先,将像素灰度看作定义在像素格点上的‘高程’,并在此三维图像表达上构建Delaunay三角网,该三角网在图像域上的投影将图像域划分成若干个子区域,形成超像素,再对每个子区域内像素灰度值做均值化处理,由此将原图像转换为均值图像;最后在均值图像上进行图像分割,可以很好地削弱噪声对图像分割的影响。采用本文思想,基于Intel(R) Core(TM) 3.20GHz/2G内存/Matlab2015a平台,以经典的模糊C均值(Fuzzy C-means, FCM)图像分割算法为例,分别对Berkeley标准测试图像和遥感图像进行了分割实验。生成一幅具有三个同质区域的模拟图像,分别采用对比算法和本文算法对模拟图像进行分割测试,对比算法1(基于ENVI平台的ISODATA分割算法)的三个同质区域(1-3)的用户精度、产品精度、总精度和Kappa值分别为74.87%/55.72%/73.64%、83.98%/37.87%/85.38%、70.25%和0.54;对比算法2(基于中值滤波的FCM分割方法)的三个同质区域(1-3)的用户精度、产品精度、总精度和Kappa值分别为98.16%/70.54%/99.73%、88.10%/99.16%/87.87%、89.93%和0.84;本文算法的三个同质区域(1-3)的用户精度、产品精度、总精度和Kappa值分别为96.25%/80.35%/99.49%、99.76%/94.53%/86.67%、93.30%和0.89。定性和定量的测试结果验证了本文方法的有效性、可靠性和准确性。


    Abstract: To reduce noises during image processing, a Delaunay triangular mesh combined with image segmentation algorithm is presented. Firstly, the grayscales of pixels can be viewed as the elevations defined the lattices of the pixels, then a Delaunay triangular mesh is built on the three dimensional of the given image. The projection of the Delaunay triangular mesh partitions the domain of the image into sub-regions which are coming into superpixels. The grayscales of pixels in each sub-region is respectively averaged to generate an averaged image. Finally, segmentation is carried out on the averaged image rather than the original image. Take the classical FCM (Fuzzy C-means) which is based on the platform of Intel(R) Core(TM) 3.20GHz/2G of memory/Matlab2015a as an example, the image segmentation experiments are done with Berkeley benchmark images and remote sensing images. Generate a simulated image with three homogeneous regions and adopt the contrast methods as well as the proposed method to do the segmentation experiments. The user accuracy、product accuracy、overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the three homogeneous regions (1-3) of the contrast method 1(ISODATA algorithm based on ENVI platform)are 74.87%/55.72%/73.64%、83.98%/37.87%/85.38%、70.25%和0.54; the user accuracy、product accuracy、overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the three homogeneous regions (1-3) of the contrast method 2(FCM algorithm based on median filtering)are 98.16%/70.54%/99.73%、88.10%/99.16%/87.87%、89.93%和0.84; the user accuracy、product accuracy、overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the three homogeneous regions (1-3) of the proposed method are 96.25%/80.35%/99.49%、99.76%/94.53%/86.67%、93.30% and 0.89. The results of quantitative and qualitative experiments suggest that the validity, reliability and accuracy of the proposed algorithm.


