
On Minimizing Retransmission Times based on C-IDNC for Wireless Broadcasting

  • 摘要: 提出了一种最小化重传次数的无线网络编码广播重传算法。针对无线广播网络,本文首先引入了缓存网络编码(C-IDNC)的概念,在接收端,正确接收但不能解码的网络编码数据包将被缓存起来等待将来的解码机会而不是简单的丢弃该编码包。其次,通过对基于IDNC重传策略的问题描述,分析了不同因素对重传次数的影响,并把这些影响因子量化为可度量的数值。随后,构造了IDNC图 ,用于表征所有可行编码和编码增益,并把最小化重传次数问题转化为最大权重搜寻问题,给出了寻找最优解的编码方法。同时,为降低算法复杂度和计算量,提出一种启发式的最大权重搜寻算法(CI-MWSA)。仿真结果表明,与传统方案相比,提出的策略和算法能有效提高重传效率、减少重传次数。


    Abstract: We are concerned with designing feedback-based adaptive Instantly Decodable Network Coding (IDNC) schemes with the aim of minimizing retransmission times in wireless multicast and broadcast scenarios. In this paper, we first analyze the multiple factors influencing the transmission times and give the quantitative formula. Meantime, we introduce the concept of Cache-based Instantly Decodable Network Coding (C-IDNC) that the correctly received undecodable retransmission packets are waited in the cache for a future network decoding opportunity rather than delete. Then, we construct an IDNC graph, and formulate the retransmission times minimization problem as an max-weight search problem and propose efficient algorithms for finding its optimal solution. Further, we propose a heuristic algorithms with worst case linear execution complexity based on sorting and iteration. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithms significantly reduce the IDNC retransmission times compared to previous works.


