
Target Feature Extraction on Azimuth Angles Based on Circular-SAR

  • 摘要: 人造目标多数具有各向异性,各向异性目标在不同的方位向角响应不同,依据此特性可以实现人造目标的识别与分类等,而圆迹合成孔径雷达能够获得目标的全方位信息,因此本文基于圆迹合成孔径雷达提出回波反演的方法,提取目标点的回波信号强度与相位随方位向的变化曲线,并定义方位向特征:散射持续角、回波信号响应峰值与峰值散射方位角,依据方位向特征可以实现人造目标识别与自适应成像等应用,文中已通过微波暗室实验与机载实验数据定性的证明了方法的有效性与应用的可行性。


    Abstract: Most artificial targets is anisotropic. Over large azimuth angular extents the energy reflected by anisotropic targets is not uniform. This feature is helpful to distinguish different kinds of targets. Data inversion method based on Circular-SAR is proposed to extract this feature for Circular-SAR can obtain 360°observation of targets. Thus three features are defined, which are the persistence angle, peak value and scattering direction. These features can be apply in artificial targets recognition and adaptive imaging. The method and its application is validated by airborne data.


