
A Parallel Multi-channel Decision-Directed Blind Equalization Algorithm for Common Data Link

  • 摘要: 针对传统算法抽头系数较长和难以处理深衰落信道的问题,提出适用于通用数据链信号的并行多信道判决引导盲均衡算法。新算法借助判决反馈结构中前馈、反馈滤波器的独立优化特性,将加权后的判决值代入下一次的迭代过程,有利于消除拖尾效应;综合运用采样率高的分数间隔结构与稳态误差小的判决引导算法,对接收信号采用并行处理的方式,大大缩短了抽头系数长度。实验结果表明,针对CDL信号,新算法能够有效提升收敛速度、降低误码率。


    Abstract:  A parallel multi-channel blind equalization algorithm is proposed to overcome the problems such as long tap coefficients and the incompetence for deep fading channels. By utilizing the independently optimized characteristics of forward and feedback filters in the feedback structure, the new algorithm adds the weighted decision value into the following iterative procedure, which is likely to eliminate the smearing effect. Meanwhile, the length of tap coefficients is effectively reduced by means of the high sampling rate of the fractionally spaced equalizer, the small steady-state error of decision-directed algorithm and the parallel processing of the received signal. For CDL signal, experimental results show that the new blind equalization algorithm is capable of simultaneously accelerating the convergence and reducing BER.


