Mainlobe Interference Suppression Method Based on Virtual Array Expansion with Non-Circular Signal for Array Radar
摘要: 在电子对抗环境中,阵列雷达面临复杂多变的射频干扰,大大缩减了阵列雷达的探测距离和探测精度。自适应波束形成技术通过对各阵元加权求和,在目标方向形成主瓣,在干扰方向形成零陷,实现干扰抑制,从而提升阵列雷达的探测性能。但是,当干扰进入雷达主瓣方向时,经典波束形成方法会产生波束方向图畸变、主瓣位置偏移、旁瓣电平抬高等问题,导致期望信号方向增益损失,进而降低输出信干噪比。为了解决此问题,本文建立了主瓣干扰存在时的阵列雷达输出信干噪比损失模型,并得到了输出信干噪比与阵列孔径之间的关系。基于理论分析,本文提出了一种基于虚拟扩展阵列的阵列雷达主瓣干扰抑制方法。首先,利用非圆信号伪协方差矩阵的非零特性,对原始阵列雷达接收信号进行共轭对称处理,得到虚拟扩展阵列的回波数据矩阵。随后,本文进一步提出了基于遗传算法的阵列布局优化算法,通过选择虚拟扩展阵列中的部分阵元,优化虚拟扩展阵列的布局,得到主瓣波束更窄的优化阵列。最后,利用最小方差无失真响应算法对虚拟阵列及优化阵列中的主瓣干扰进行抑制,减小因主瓣干扰存在带来的期望信号损失,提升输出信干噪比。数值仿真结果证明,所提算法在不同阵元数和不同非圆信号形式下干扰抑制效果均优于现有方法。此外,本文利用Ku波段四通道阵列雷达开展实验验证,结果证明了算法的有效性。Abstract: In the electronic countermeasures’ environment, complex and variable RF interference incident the phased array radar. Adaptive beamforming methods can suppress interference by the weighted summation of each array element to form a mainlobe in the direction of the desired signal and a nulling in the direction of interferences, which improves the detection ability of the array radar. However, when the interference falls into the mainlobe, the conventional beamforming method suffers from beampattern distortion, mainlobe position deviation, sidelobe level elevation, etc., which will cause the loss of the desired signal, resulting in declining the output signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR). To solve this problem, a model of the loss of SINR in the presence of mainlobe interference is established, and the relationship between output SINR and array aperture is obtained. Based on theoretical analysis, a mainlobe interference suppression method based on virtual array expansion with noncircular signal for array radar is proposed in this paper. First, based on the characteristic of a non-circular signal, a virtual expanded array aperture is designed using the conjugate symmetry of the original array without adding actual elements. An elements layout optimization method based on a genetic algorithm is then proposed to change the roll-of characteristics of the pattern to optimize the array pattern. Finally, the minimum variance distortion-less response algorithm is employed to suppress the mainlobe interference in the virtual expanded array and the optimized array, which can reduce the desired signal loss caused by mainlobe interference and improve the output SINR. Numerical simulations show that the proposed method is superior to existing methods in jamming suppression under different array elements and different non-circular signals. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective and has potential application in fields such as early warning and target detection.