
Multiple Detection Bernoulli Filter Based on Forward and Backward Frame Association

  • 摘要: 伯努利滤波器作为随机有限集(Random Finite Set,RFS)框架下唯一的单目标跟踪滤波器,以其能够传递完整概率密度函数(Probability Density Function,PDF)而在贝叶斯体系内被视为理论上最优的单目标跟踪解决方案。经典伯努利滤波器基于的假设是,在每个时刻单个目标最多只能通过观测方程产生一个观测结果。然而,当单个目标形成多个检测结果时,经典伯努利滤波器可能会产生错误的目标状态估计。为了将伯努利滤波器应用于单个目标形成多个检测结果的跟踪场景,学界提出了多种改进型的多检测伯努利滤波器。尽管这些改进型滤波器能有效处理多检测问题,但其在校正步中需要遍历观测集的所有可能子集来计算后验PDF,这不可避免地引入了极高的计算复杂性,限制了它们的实用性。针对多检测伯努利滤波器计算复杂度高的问题,研究人员提出了多种分割算法,通过仅使用部分观测子集而非全部可能子集来计算后验PDF,有效减少了计算需求。然而,当前提出的各种分割算法都仅利用当前时刻的观测集,并未充分利用滤波器递归过程中的运动信息。本文的创新之处在于将视频多目标跟踪领域广泛采用的匈牙利算法引入到贝叶斯体系内的单目标跟踪滤波器,进而提出了一种基于前后帧数据关联的多检测伯努利滤波器以降低滤波器的计算复杂度,实现多检测场景下的单目标快速跟踪。该滤波器利用前一帧的目标状态估计和后一帧的观测集进行关联,根据关联结果选择用于计算校正步的观测集子集。通过巧妙地利用连续帧中包含的动态信息,所提算法能够在校正步计算过程中选择与目标实际观测最接近的子集,在保持滤波器性能基本不变的同时,大幅度减少计算复杂度。基于天波超视距雷达(Over-the-horizon Radar, OTHR)多检测模型的仿真结果表明,与使用所有子集和部分子集的多检测伯努利滤波器相比,本文所提方法在保持性能基本稳定的前提下大幅度减小了计算复杂度。因此,本文所提方法尤其适用于对实时性要求较高的目标跟踪应用。


    Abstract: ‍ ‍The Bernoulli filter is the sole single-target tracking filter in the random finite set (RFS) framework. It is theoretically the optimal filter for single target tracking achieved by propagating the complete Probability Density Function (PDF) of the target during the recursive process. The classical Bernoulli filter assumes that the target generates at most one measurement from the measurement model at each moment. Therefore, when a single target generates multiple detections, the classical Bernoulli filter tends to produce incorrect target state estimation and trajectory. To effectively address tracking challenges in scenarios where a solitary target results in multiple detections, scholars have introduced several iterations of the Bernoulli filter concept. These multiple detection Bernoulli filters were designed to handle the complexities introduced by a single target potentially generating numerous detection results. Despite the effectiveness of the multiple detection Bernoulli filter handling multiple detections for a single target, the high computational load of calculating all possible subsets of the measurement set remains a major challenge. To overcome this, a variety of partitioning algorithms were developed, which optimize the process by working with part of the subset rather than the entirety of the measurement collection. However, many of these partitioning strategies predominantly focus on the current measurements, neglecting the integration of valuable motion dynamics captured during the recursive steps of the Bernoulli filter operation. To address the computational complexity of the filter, the Hungarian algorithm is innovatively incorporated into the multiple detection Bernoulli filter design in this work. The Hungarian algorithm, which is widely used in video multi-target tracking algorithms, is used to complete the association between the observation set and the prediction target set, achieving good results. This integration led to the development of a novel multiple detection Bernoulli filter based on forward and backward frame association on the basis of the Hungarian algorithm. This state-of-the-art filter harnesses the estimated target state from the preceding frame and the measurement data of the subsequent frame to perform correlations. The correlated outcomes then guide the selection of the most appropriate measurement subset for the filter update or correction phase. By leveraging the dynamic information contained within sequential frames, the algorithm could pinpoint and utilize the measurement cluster that most accurately reflects the actual position of the target. This strategic approach substantially curtails the computational demands of the multiple detection Bernoulli filter while maintaining its tracking performance fidelity. To illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithm, this study adopts the Over-the-horizon Radar (OTHR) measurement model as the multiple detection target measurement model during the simulation. Comprehensive simulations have demonstrated that the new methodology substantially reduces computational complexity without compromising tracking efficacy. Compared to traditional multiple detection Bernoulli filters, which exhaustively process all subsets or part of the subset of the measurement set, this refined method promises enhanced efficiency. Its capacity to maintain stable performance even under reduced computational loads makes it an attractive solution for target tracking applications that demand high-speed, real-time responses.


