Research Progress of the Integrated Detection and Communication Waveform and Prospects for Sonar Applications
摘要: 探测和通信设备是陆/海/空基平台进行环境感知与信息交互的重要保障,基于硬件和软件系统相似性设计探测通信一体化系统可有效减小平台体积,避免多系统相互干扰,提高资源利用率和信息获取效率,因此近年来受到了高度关注和广泛研究。本文首先概述了探测通信一体化技术的发展概况和工作体制,并重点对全共享体制下一体化波形设计的研究现状进行综述,分别面向单输入多输出和多输入多输出的一体化系统进行波形设计方法及信号处理技术的归纳和总结,并给出不同方法的适用场景和优缺点分析;其次,针对海洋信息领域对水声探测通信一体化技术的迫切需求,借鉴雷达通信一体化领域的研究思路,从理论基础、系统原理及系统组成等方面分析了探测和通信声呐系统集成的可行性,阐明了其相比于传统分立式声呐系统的优势。最后,对水声探测通信一体化的应用前景进行了展望,并分析了面临的困难和挑战。本文可以为声呐系统的集成化、多功能化发展提供新思路。Abstract: Detection and communication equipment are vital for environmental perception and information interaction in land/underwater/air-based platforms. The design of integrated detection and communication (IDC), based on the similarities in hardware and software systems, can effectively reduce the size of the platform, avoid the mutual interference between systems, and improve the utilization rate of resources and the efficiency of information acquisition. Therefore, these designs have attracted significant attention and extensive research in recent years. This study first provides an overview of the development and work system of the IDC technology and reviews the research status of integrated waveform design under a fully shared system. Moreover, this study summarizes waveform design methods and signal processing techniques for single-input multiple-output and multiple-input multiple-output IDC systems, providing analyses of the applicable scenarios as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods. Additionally, in response to the urgent demand for underwater acoustic IDC technology in the field of marine information, the feasibility of integrating detection and communication sonars is analyzed from the perspectives of the theoretical basis, system principles, and system composition by combining research ideas from the field of radar-communication integration, highlighting the advantages compared with traditional discrete sonar systems. Finally, this study provides application prospects for underwater acoustic IDC and makes preliminary analyses of the difficulties and challenges involved. Therefore, this study provides novel ideas for the integrated and multifunctional development of sonar systems.